Set in 1943 in occupied Denmark, this fictional story is about 10-year -old AnneMarie Johansen and her best friend Ellen Rosen. At this time in their young lives, Copenhagen is filled with Nazi soldiers, watching their every move. But thats just the start. Soon, the Jews of Denmark are to be "re-located", so Ellen's parents flee, leaving Ellen to pretend to be part of AnnMarie's family.
Although it is fiction, this book is based on actual people and events, including the work of the Danish Resistance, who protected the Jews at that time by smuggling them into Sweden. The story was told through Ann Marie's point of view, and I think the author captured the fear and anxieties that this young girl faced as she risked her life to help out her beloved friends.
This is a 5th grade book, and the winner of the 1990 Newbery Medal. I read this along with my 10 year old son, who's class was reading it together. The story was sad, but it was also interesting and yes, educational. I found myself Googling various topics from the book for further reading and info. It seemed as if the author did her research on the topic. Its an excellent book to use to introduce children into the difficult topic of the Holocaust.
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